Monday, January 25, 2016

Gift Ideas!

I have an Amazon wishlist that goes on for miles (so convenient!), but DID YOU KNOW I know great people who you could support by buying things? Giving me a gift + supporting someone I love = generosity squared.

Disclaimer: if you're just happening upon this post, I want you to know that it is not intended as "you should buy me things, I love things"-- it's to be a resource for when people ask me what I want for my birthday (&/or Christmas or whatever). But, you should read it anyway, & maybe you'll find something you'd like to get for yourself or someone you like, & that'd be super cool.


My friend Jen sews things! I really want one of her hobo bags. But also an infinite amount of zipper pouches, they are good for everything! My favorite fandoms that she utilizes fairly consistently would be Nintendo, Batman, Star Wars, Star Trek, TMNT, My Little Pony, & Doctor Who.

Knitting remains my favorite hobby, I can always use things for that. Heather is a groovy gal, dying yarn & making stitch markers! My favorite of the colorways: Icicle, Snow Owl, Mint n' Chip, Napoleon, Rocky Road, & You Go Joe.
Speaking of knitting goods, Tabitha has started selling stitch markers & project bags, they are beautiful!

I always love art. Things for my home in general, & always always art particularly. Megan does great prints, she has a great style of lettering + artsy details that make it pretty without cluttering.


I will update this post when I remember more! :-D

Friday, January 22, 2016

An Open Letter to Letters

Ugh. See? There it is already. The feelings of guilt.

I've been trying to notice whenever I feel like I don't want to do something, or when I feel like I'm bad at something, so that I can analyze what could make it better. I can change my expectations, I can change my habits, I can change my process, once I take the time to figure out what's really going on instead of just pushing through & doing things the same old way. It's been a pretty rewarding way to look at things!

My latest realization is... I think I need to let go of my desire to be A Great Letter Writer. A Beautiful Card Sender. You Know, That One with All the Stickers & Pretty Things that Makes Your Day when Found in Your Mailbox. I've carried this ambition for yeeeeeaaaaars, even before IGGPPC. That community just made it so much better/worse! *so many feels*

I LOVE snail mail & all it can mean, all the love it can carry. But I've pushed myself into a spot where I feel more frustrated about sending mail than excited. I still want to love the people, but I now dread the time it takes, & the little frustrations that I always seem to have. I lose things (letters awaiting reply, letters in progress, pens that actually work, addresses, stamps-- all the things), even though I have a whole desk devoted to keeping it all organized. I get impatient with myself trying to find the right way to say something, or I read what I wrote & it seems boring, trite, self-absorbed, not at all what I meant. I try to let that go, & to know that the recipient will probably like anything I send, but it's tiring to never feel satisfied about it myself. It has become a thing where it doesn't feel worth the effort... so maybe it isn't. Maybe I can come back to it, but I think I need to step back at least until I no longer dread the whole process.

What I want to do is try emailing people in place of sending a letter or card. Because actually communicating, even in a lesser form, is better than not doing anything & feeling bad about it. I'd rather invest in a friendship a little at a time, in not-extraordinarily-special ways, than let my chances slip away entirely. I love to text! I love twitter interactions! I even dig facebook messaging! I'd LOVE to be a better friend by using things I already enjoy doing, things that are better suited to my life right now.

If you're reading this & have sent me mail... I'm sorry if I haven't sent some back. I PROMISE I meant to, & that I liked what you sent me! (If you sent a postcard, it's probably on display somewhere in my home, I'm not gonna lie.) I hope you can accept that it's not you, it's me. People are THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, & I'm just bad at things sometimes, but YOU ARE AMAZING. (If you ever feel slighted by me in any way, I can almost promise you that it's not anything personal, it's totally a failure on my part. PLEASE feel like you can communicate with me if I hurt your feelings or something.)

I know that personally, I feel loved just knowing someone thought of me. If you receive a letter, you can know someone thought of you... but... someone also thinks of you if they tweet at you, email you, direct message you, comment on your blog, text you... & sometimes a simpler format of communication can ameliorate conversation. I'm not going to downplay letters, but there is something to be said for the ease & speed of other ways in other circumstances. So that's what I'm going to be trying for a while. I hereby officially forgive myself of any perceived snail mail debts, & will try harder to let people know when I'm thinking of them, in whatever way seems best without stressing myself out about it.

Love, really, where ARE my postage stamps...

Friday, January 01, 2016

New Year, New New Year Post

I usually make a post at the beginning of a year, so uh, I guess I'll do that now!

Last year, I talked about how my goals mostly revolved around recent commitments made, & wanting to deepen/strengthen in areas in my life instead of planning on starting anything new. Overall, I kept that in mind, though some things didn't go as planned... I ended up stepping down from a couple of things, & shifting focus in others. But that's good. I think overall I'm pleased with how I adapted to changes, & how I let things go instead of holding on too long.

I've learned some things about myself & how others see me, so I'm working on using the information to improve myself & my interactions with others. More deliberately being forgiving of myself, but also resolving to be more deliberate about my actions toward others.

I plan to put more careful thought into what I want vs what I need. I plan to keep things pretty simple, as far as I'm concerned. Life is complicated enough.
There are lots of things that are GOOD, but aren't really good for me, & I need to let that be totally okay. I can admire people who do planners &/or bullet journals, while understanding that's not what my life needs. I can love the concept of podcasts, I can love people who make podcasts, but I can accept that I just don't listen to podcasts. Etc.

However, I do plan to try a new thing! I plan to... draw? I've always wanted to have even just a little bit of drawing ability, so I'm going to just straight up START DRAWING. Here's the first installment! It's not nearly as bad as I'd expected from myself, & I'm really proud of even just the fact that I tried, that I put it out to be seen, & that I am saying that I'll do more. I've practically never before drawn anything ever. So uh, yeah, feel free to suggest things for me to draw, & I'll probably attempt them, & they'll probably look TERRIBLE, & I'll probably be excited about it anyway!