Ugh. See? There it is already. The feelings of guilt.
I've been trying to notice whenever I feel like I don't want to do something, or when I feel like I'm bad at something, so that I can analyze what could make it better. I can change my expectations, I can change my habits, I can change my process, once I take the time to figure out what's really going on instead of just pushing through & doing things the same old way. It's been a pretty rewarding way to look at things!
My latest realization is... I think I need to let go of my desire to be A Great Letter Writer. A Beautiful Card Sender. You Know, That One with All the Stickers & Pretty Things that Makes Your Day when Found in Your Mailbox. I've carried this ambition for yeeeeeaaaaars, even before
IGGPPC. That community just made it so much better/worse! *so many feels*
I LOVE snail mail & all it can mean, all the love it can carry. But I've pushed myself into a spot where I feel more frustrated about sending mail than excited. I still want to love the people, but I now dread the time it takes, & the little frustrations that I always seem to have. I lose things (letters awaiting reply, letters in progress, pens that actually work, addresses, stamps-- all the things), even though I have a whole desk devoted to keeping it all organized. I get impatient with myself trying to find the right way to say something, or I read what I wrote & it seems boring, trite, self-absorbed, not at all what I meant. I try to let that go, & to know that the recipient will probably like anything I send, but it's tiring to never feel satisfied about it myself. It has become a thing where it doesn't feel worth the effort... so maybe it isn't. Maybe I can come back to it, but I think I need to step back at least until I no longer dread the whole process.
What I want to do is try emailing people in place of sending a letter or card. Because actually communicating, even in a lesser form, is better than not doing anything & feeling bad about it. I'd rather invest in a friendship a little at a time, in not-extraordinarily-special ways, than let my chances slip away entirely. I love to text! I love twitter interactions! I even dig facebook messaging! I'd LOVE to be a better friend by using things I already enjoy doing, things that are better suited to my life right now.
If you're reading this & have sent me mail... I'm sorry if I haven't sent some back. I PROMISE I meant to, & that I liked what you sent me! (If you sent a postcard, it's probably on display somewhere in my home, I'm not gonna lie.) I hope you can accept that it's not you, it's me. People are THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, & I'm just bad at things sometimes, but YOU ARE AMAZING. (If you ever feel slighted by me in any way, I can
almost promise you that it's not anything personal, it's totally a failure on my part. PLEASE feel like you can communicate with me if I hurt your feelings or something.)
I know that personally, I feel loved just knowing someone thought of me. If you receive a letter, you can know someone thought of you... but... someone also thinks of you if they tweet at you, email you, direct message you, comment on your blog, text you... & sometimes a simpler format of communication can ameliorate conversation. I'm not going to downplay letters, but there is something to be said for the ease & speed of other ways in other circumstances. So that's what I'm going to be trying for a while. I hereby officially forgive myself of any perceived snail mail debts, & will try harder to let people know when I'm thinking of them, in whatever way seems best without stressing myself out about it.
Love, really, where ARE my postage stamps...