Thursday, July 17, 2014

Friendship by Degrees

I don't know if other people do this or not, but it's been on my mind lately, so I'm going to type about it.

I think we've all met those people who act like you're immediately great friends. & with some people, they're right! I've had some of my best friendships that way. But some of them, you can tell that they're that way with everyone. & that's perfectly nice of them! I admire their courage, & see their attitude as their way of wanting to value people. But I myself am not that way, & I see my way as okay & valuing people too.

I don't rush into friendships because:
-I just don't have the social energy. If I acted that excited about everyone all the time, I'd be dead.
-I know that it makes some people uncomfortable.
-I feel like it can set up unreasonable expectations-- you can't be best friends with everyone. There's not enough time in the world. We all need healthy boundaries.

So I'm very deliberate about my relationships. It's a challenge, because I value all people, & all people are different... so it's hard to tell how best to show them that I value them. But it's okay, I'm always trying to learn.

Here's a bit of how my process works.

Level 1:
These are familiar names/faces. I try to present myself as friendly & approachable. Smiles. Small talk. Short conversations, short sentences.
(Translated to internet friendships, this level would include people I follow on twitter but don't know much about & rarely engage.)

Level 2:
To reach this level, the person must have expressed a level of interest beyond small talk. I will venture to use longer sentences, trusting them to not interrupt, & ask more specific questions about them, also willing to reveal more about myself. Might also proffer invitations to share a meal or some such safe social event. Will also begin to relax from trying to appear all happy all the time. (I'm not very good at that anyway.)
(Translated to internet friendships, this level would include people I recognize easily on twitter, & engage deliberately.)

Level 3:
This is as far as most people get with me. If Level 2 goes well, I'd want to start doing things together more regularly. I'd try to remember birthdays, bake cookies, buy trinkets, do favors, all of that kind of stuff. Would also allow myself to be more transparent about when I'm having a bad day & so forth. This is where people fall solidly under the category of "Friend".
(Translated to internet friendships, this level would include even MORE deliberate engaging. Might ask about things one mentioned previously, click on more of one's links, eavesdrop on more conversations, visit profile to see if I missed anything, do plenty of retweeting, ask for (& follow through on) recommendations for things... nothing too creepy, I promise. *shifty eyes*)

Level 4:
These are special people! I even swear around them! ;-o But really, it is mostly a comfort level thing. It's hard to define how to reach this level, except to act truly respectful & interested & loving & willing to invest your time. Some people are allowed access to this level even just temporarily, under special circumstances. Then I will text you & cry to you & ask for your help in things & tell you about things that are deeply important to me & sing & dance & be really the truest deepest version of myself.
(Translated to internet friendships... it'd have to get past the internet. & the internet makes it harder for me to gauge how much someone cares. But I do have people who have gone from just internet friends to texting &/or writing letters &/or maybe even meeting up, all that sort of thing. I also have people who have gone from being around me in real life to only being accessible over the internet, but we're still close. It's almost more like somewhere between Level 3 & Level 4, but one does what one can!)

It probably sounds like I overthink this sort of thing way too much. But I only do so because I'm trying to find the best way to care for people. The more something matters to me, the more I consider all of the details & angles.

What are your thoughts? Are you deliberate like I am, or are your relationships more organic? Do you see the value in each system?

Bonus topic:
I was trying to think of which level would include "loaning my favorite books/movies/music/etc" as a demonstration of friendship, but I do that at all levels, as long as I feel like I'll ever see the person again. I have gaps on my shelves that remind me of friendships I'm trying to build. Loaning my precious things feels like an expression of trust + sharing a part of myself. & if nothing comes of it, I can find a new copy, no big deal.


  1. Thanks for sharing your heart/brain Valerie :) Glad to know where I fall on the friendship scale :-D

  2. I think I am deliberately organic, I know what I want in a friendship but don't find it in many people. I'm deliberate with the people I like and strive to stay close to those people, yet am (or was) searching for people who "get" me (INFJ thing) I think I have found people like that now in my late 20's 8-)
