I'm doing this because Kayly did it, & she is cool. (In addition to her blog, check out her instagram & twitter!)
Four Places I Want to Visit:
-Basically the whole UK
-...I'm not really the sort to travel for the sake of travel. I don't enjoy the inherent travel experience enough for that. New places can be amazing & beautiful, but after a not-very-long time, I just want my familiar places back. Like, I'm currently house-sitting for my parents, & it's practically a vacation, but I miss my home. My jewelry on display, my ugly sofa from which I can see my fan art gallery, my books, my multi-green kitchen walls, gifts from my friends that remind me of what truly matters in this world, things that need done that remind me to not become a lazy bum, stacks of tea, piles of yarn, evidence that I share a house with my favorite human being... stuff like that. My motivation for travel, 99.999999% of the time, is to spend time with great people, really.
Four Jobs I've Had:
-I've been that person who hangs advertisements on your front door, which you barely glance at before trashing
-I've been paid to color roads on maps
-I've been paid to assemble a tabletop decoration Christmas tree made of beads & wire
-one of my favorite jobs ever was staying at a summer camp for a week after the summer sessions were all over, to help clean/inventory/reorganize/etc
Four Things I Don't Eat:
-straight-up tomatoes
-black licorice
-anything with a strong smoky flavor
Four of My Favorite Foods:
-steak, hot wings, fried chicken
-brownies, cheesecake, root beer floats
-pizza, Americanized Chinese food, pad thai
-fried okra, biscuits with butter & honey, just about anything with cream cheese involved
(okay so I cheated quite a bit, deal with it)
Four Films I've Watched More than Once:
-It hardly makes sense for me to even begin to answer this, because if I like a movie I am guaranteed to watch it again. There's hardly a movie I own that I could even guess for you how many times I've seen it. Here again, as in my paragraph about travel, you can see that I really like the things I know, not so much finding new things. I like to enjoy layers & layers of what I like. When I rewatch a movie, I get to get more out of the music, the inflection, the ways the characters look at each other. Sometimes I think about how a lot of people love new things, as opposed to my lifestyle... & I wonder if their lives are richer & better than mine... but usually I just conclude that my way is just as good, just in different ways. Like some people love sweets, some people love spicy food, it doesn't make either better it's just enjoying different things.
Four TV Shows I Watch:
If this means Shows that are Actually Still Airing:
-Doctor Who
pretty sure that's literally the only currently-airing shows I watch, & I only watch the latter on Netflix
Four Things I'm Looking Forward to This Year:
-building our savings back up after The Unemployment Adventure is taking longer than I'd anticipated, but I'm still really hoping we can get at least one of our two Big House Project Goals for the Year done
-GEEK GIRL BRUNCH. Looking forward to geeking out, making friends, stretching my social muscles
-this isn't fair, the year is already over halfway over & my biggest plans already happened so I'm out of things to say besides stuff that sounds boring like "watching my bro's daughter grow up" &
-"I like autumn, & I like spending time with family for the winter holidays"... but I do love those things
Four Things I Can't Live Without:
Okay, I'll give you a break & not take this too literally.
-a balance of socialization + alone time
-the internet & texting
-books, music, movies, video games
Four Things about Jamie (my dear spouse person):
-he loves to help people; if he knows you could use his help, it won't matter how much it might inconvenience him or how much he doesn't like doing the thing you need, he will absolutely do it
-he likes to write, & is working on a novel inspired by one of his favorite pastimes & the people with whom he passes those times
-he is such a pc gamer, & I like to hear him talk about them & I like to check in on him while he's playing, so I have a bunch of weird secondhand pc game knowledge; his most-played game for a while now has been Eve Online, in which he has a role of responsibility within his guild, & he's awesome
-before we got married, we didn't really have a grasp on how different we are in so many ways, or how he struggles with depression, & each of those things can make things really hard sometimes, but being married to Jamie always feels right, & I feel like it makes me the very best me I can be, & he is my favorite thing about my life
Four Places I've Visited:
-West Virginia University
-The Supreme Court of the United States
-Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home & Museum
-Adventure Science Center
Four Pet Peeves:
-noisy eating
-excessive emotions about things that don't matter & you can't change
-being late to a movie
Four Things I Wish I Could Do:
-have intuition
-be more noticed for my strengths than my weaknesses/weirdnesses
-function better on less sleep
Four Subjects I Studied at School:
-I didn't go to college (as a student), so probably nothing that you didn't take. Except maybe ASL? Piano lessons? We did Etymology & actually even Etiquette... so there, four.
Four Things Near Me Right Now:
-my Nintendo 3DS XL <3
-two empty mugs
-a dog napping because he got me up too early because he's bored & lonely without my mom
-a tea strainer with a moose head
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