Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Indy Pop Con - My Art Haul

I was going to do one post about Indy Pop Con, but oh, too many things. So I'm going to start by just talking about ART. My second favorite thing about the whole con was checking out the art, telling the artists how cool their stuff is, gathering business cards, & staring longingly for embarrassing lengths of time... So to start, let's show off what I took home. In really bad unaltered camera phone photos!

I got a large print from each of my two favorite artist booths. Lemme tell you where to find them + their stuffs on the web.



FANTASTIC, right? & they are sweeties. I got more.

The bottom three are more Daunt. The DA2 is another Kreugan. &... the Canada sketch is by Andrew Carreiro! Who is a web designer. He was with the 1 More Castle booth. Not as an artist. Soooooo you might say I got an exclusive.

I also got a poster from Norm Breyfogle, & Guy Gilchrist added a doodle with his autograph in my Muppet comic book. They were both really cool guys.

Other things of interest:
http://www.ramonecologne.com/ (I will probably use this online shop, his prices are great & so is the art)
@crescentwench (cosplay lady)
Daydreams & Giggles
http://cmherndon.tumblr.com/ (no really, he drew Bill Nye, & has Doctor Who stuff that even non-Whovians can love)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/trois_lapins_studio/ (arts & jewelrys)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/dallasp92 (jewelry)