Saturday, September 06, 2014

How I HabitRPG

Hello friends! Today I'm going to talk to you about a fantastic app. Actually, it's also a website. So if you're reading this, you can use HabitRPG! & maybe you should! It's fantastic for keeping track of anything that you want to do.

I started using HabitRPG sometime... last... year... I think. Might've been very early this year. It really helped me keep my brain from freaking out, because I had a lot going on plus a lot to get done in just a few months. I used it a lot to help me get my house ready to host folk in our guest room over Indy Pop Con... & there was so very much to get done before that could happen, lemme tell ya. But after Pop Con, my HabitRPG usage faded away, as I just wanted to relax & recover, plus other stuff was in flux that was affecting my schedule & my goals. But schedule stuff is becoming more stable, I'm grasping at new goals, & I have some serious stuff that needs done in a timely fashion. Oh, plus there's an IGGPPC party now! Can't miss that!

Here's a screencap from the website version of my Tasks.

I use habits as anything that needs done on a regular basis. So you can see chores & responsibilities & stuff there. They are also all things that don't have a definitive 'amount', per se-- so I can sweep one room or the entire house, I can blog a little or schedule things for a month, & then I can decide how much credit I deserve, because I can hit that plus sign multiple times for increased reward. I only have one item with a minus symbol. You can use the minus for things like cheating on your diet. (Yes, I reward/punish myself for how I stand up to social situations. That's probably not something you need on your HabitRPG, but I do well having a reminder of how socially drained I really am, & incentive to hang in there when I'm having to endure social stuff.) I like having the choice each day of whether or not to do any combination of any of these things, & how much.

These are things I try to do every day. Even weekends. Whoa. I personally do not even ever want to see anything too productive on this particular list-- this list makes sure that I relax & take time to do things I enjoy. Some days I need to embrace the fact that it is okay to not get anything done. But I am a better person when I take time to read, & manipulate yarn. Even on days that I need to just relax, I like to have a plan in place. I relax by knowing what to expect. That is how my brain works!

To-Dos get done once. So this is your most standard list, easy to relate to what you've probably already done before with pen & paper. I pile this section full of anything that I don't want to forget to do, time-sensitive stuff, stuff that I will need to set aside time to complete, stuff that I just plain want to earn coins for accomplishing. ;-) This is also the list where I most take advantage of the ability to set things as easy, medium, or hard difficulty, & the list where things just sit for a while & turn red. But it doesn't punish me for that in this section. (I think. I'm pretty sure that is right & why I set it up this way.)

How It All Comes Together
I now keep the website pinned in my browser, as well as having the app on my tablet. By now, I have most of my Dailies & Habits memorized, so they're pretty established in my thought process of what to get done with my day. Then I can refer to my To-Dos, evaluate what sort of time I have available, what needs done urgently, blah blah blah... & see if I should start doing one of them (or maybe I already did & forgot to check it off!). & sometime during the day, I like to check in on how much gold I have earned & any items I have found, so I can do fun stuff like buy equipment & hatch eggs. DRAGONS YOU GUYS.

So that's pretty much it! I hope it all made some sort of sense, & gave you a glimpse at my brain I mean uh at HabitRPG. If you have any questions, let me know! I <3 questions!


  1. I'd like to know more about the social aspects of this neat application!

  2. This is so cool! Your post was very informative and in addition to your tweets, have piqued my interest in trying this thing out!

    1. Yay! I hope you find that it works for you! <3
