Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bravely Default Demo

I was about to wash dishes, but the sink needs washed even more than the dishes do, so I'm letting it soak in magic cleaning magic. So I'm taking this time to quickly talk to you about the Bravely Default demo.

Bravely Default is a tactical turn-based rpg from Square Enix, for the Nintendo 3DS. It isn't even released yet, but the demo is turning heads.

The thing that Bravely Default wants to present to you as new & shiny is the 'brave' & 'default' elements of the battles. It's basically the ability to hold back a turn (or multiple) to do something more powerful later. It is pretty nifty. But not really life-altering. I don't need life-altering in a turn-based rpg though, they are my favorite. Also, I'm sure it'll be a more significant factor later in the game.

There's also a facet of rebuilding a town, which is pretty much just an add-on but I think it's a fascinating feature with a lot of potential. You can gather workers via Street Pass to help your projects go faster, or you can just plug away with the one lonely worker they grant you to begin. You can also use/help your friends in battle. So social! Much depth! Wow! It feels nice to me that they put a lot of attention into optional features.

The art & music are really beautiful. Allow me to be that girl for a moment: Not only is your team half male & half female, but any character can be any job, & all of the outfits are super cool without being overly sexualized. The ladies' most exaggerated features are their hips & thighs, which I think is so much fun. Everyone wears great hats & boots & has wacky hair-- it's definitely not one of those "here's a warrior, there's a ninja, oh look BOOBS that one is a girl" sort of scenario.

There are one or two things that took me a little while to really figure out, but it's pretty intuitive overall. It's a bit bland at the very beginning, but rewarding when you start leveling up, unlocking more skills, being able to afford more stuff, & gaining the confidence to explore more areas.

Verdict: I want this game. I am going to play the life out of this demo.

Thursday, January 09, 2014


Hi friends! Due to a clerical error, I find myself with time... & due to other things, I find myself not wanting to do much with aforementioned time. So I'm going to toss out some thoughts. Just for you.

2013 was a big year, for me & my husband. We went through a lot of things, some very personal that shall leave marks etched in our hearts for all time. But we grew a lot, & as we enter this new year that feels so very rewarding.

One of the biggest lessons I learned was to let go of my previous notions of how I needed to build relationships, & with whom. This was a banner year for working out what it means to be an introvert (& to embrace being an introvert), & part of that for me meant giving up on previous methods of dealing with people. I freakin' love people, & a major part of my entire mindset is that people & relationships with them are the most important thing there possibly is outside of one's own relationship with God. I still feel that way, but I've had to learn that I need to take care of myself before I can have healthy relationships. & I need to let situations be what they are, without forcing upon them any of my own ideas of How This Should Work. Actually, basically what I did what let go of control entirely. Poof. I pretty much declared myself on vacation from trying to deepen relationships &/or make them happen. I decided to try to just enjoy social interactions & be comfortable, instead of trying to fix things & stressing myself out. & you know what happened? I made new friends. Like, actual new friends, whom I can text, invite to my house, that sort of thing. I also found lots of development happening with friendships I'd had that had been at the same level for a while. CRAZY, RIGHT? So yeah, it's been awesome. I'm more rested, more myself, & in fact more connected with more people.

I think many of us struggle with a skewed vision of how friendships happen & why & so forth. Everyone I've talked to about the topic has admitted to having a lot of disappointments & hurts. I think it's a little bit funny when I come across things on the internet that say those things like Disney Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations about Hair/Men/Wildlife/Australia/whatevs, because really I think Friendships should be the one leading the pack. But anyway. It's nice to finally feel like I'm moving in a right direction.

As I try to be more awake, I realize that perhaps this post might come across as selfish? Like, "I can't be bothered to work at friendships, I'm too busy taking care of MEEEEEE"? But that's not what I mean, I promise. I just mean finding a better balance. Forgive my fussy brain.