Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Initial Thoughts on Adventure Time

So I've been hearing a lot about Adventure Time since it began. A lot of Respectable Adult People really like the show & proclaim its goodness. They say it is clever, funny, & addresses real-life relate-able issues.

Since we now have Netflix, I can freely & instantly explore stuff that captures my curiosity, so I decided that I needed to check this deal out. Last night, I watched the first four segments.

Well, it wasn't bad! I enjoyed the animation style, & the music caught my attention more than once. I enjoyed the simple yet fun nature of the plots, the whimsical characters, & the style of story-telling.

However... most of the actual dialogue bogged me down a bit. I liked some of the quotable amusing moments, but overall most of it seemed waaaaaaaay too eager to please. I felt like it was trying so hard to be cool, hip, & trendy. I don't need "sexy" in my media, especially my cartoons. I don't need every line to sound like it wants to be a soundbite.

I can sort of see why it has made a name for being a "crowd pleaser"... but I feel like I'd be happier if it calmed down a bit & didn't try so hard.

(I'm sure some of that sounded like weird ways to describe a cartoon. I hope it made some sort of sense.)

It didn't really make me "feel" anything, nor did I feel I could really relate to any of the characters.

Bottom line: I'll probably end up watching more... if I get bored. But I've seen nothing to make me a "fan", nor am I eager to recommend it to others.

1 comment:

  1. YES. You totally summed up how I feel about that show. I just didn't "get" why people go crazy about it. It was "fun" but not standout to me. Quirkiness alone doesn't make good entertainment. Though I have heard that other seasons are better, so maybe they are more developed? I just wish they would put them on Netflix so I can judge!
